Saturday, August 7, 2010

The kindness of people

The kindness of people never ceases to amaze me. Remember I asked for some help with Golden things for the hamper? Well, Marit over in Norway put together a parcel and sent it over to me. Lots of goody golden things inside the most fabulous bag - you can't see it on the photo, but there are lots of little pockets round the outside to hold essntials like knitting needles and scissors. I know I shall never be able to work out what I ever did before I owned such a useful bag!

And look at all the Gold things! I am left in awe (actually I cried!) by Marit's generosity. Mwah! Thanks!

Tomorrow we are off on our holidays to Wales. Harvey was supposed to come with us, but due to his inability to travel longer than 5 mins in the car without throwing up, we decided to let him have a holiday of his own with mum and dad. An hour in the car to them, or 6 hours to Wales....

Already missing his wet nose and constant 'feed me please mum cos I'm starving' look!

Oh and just before I go, here's a cake I made a while ago but forgot to show you.

Bye all and happy holidays. See you when I get back.


Jan said...

Have a lovely holiday ,bet that lovely bag is part of your luggage ,oh the dog will have a whale of a time ,so will your Mum and Dad,and think of the reunion ,gosh lucky Glynis ,what a beautiful cake ...very clever girl Jan xx

Locket Pocket said...

Oh crikey! How many time was that gorgeous puppy sick on the way to your mum and dad's? Hope you are having a good holiday! Marit's gifts are fab! Lucy x

wonderwoman said...

i'm not surprised you cried - what lovely gifts! Hope you have a lovely holiday - the cake is gorgeous as always!!


Mrs Moog said...

What a lovely bundle of golden goodies from Marit!

Hope you have a fab holiday and I hope Harvey behaves himself for Granny. He looks like butter wouldn't melt ;o)


Quinn said...

Such a lovely surprise for you - nice work, Marit!

The only "gold" thing I could think of was my two Golden Comet hens, and nothing could persuade them to climb into the shipping box.

Have a wonderful time, and imagine how grown-up that handsome puppy will be when you collect him again. Possibly also spoiled to bits...but, no...not that perfect gentleman-pup!