The kindness of people never ceases to amaze me. Remember I asked for some help with Golden things for the hamper? Well, Marit over in Norway put together a parcel and sent it over to me. Lots of goody golden things inside the most fabulous bag - you can't see it on the photo, but there are lots of little pockets round the outside to hold essntials like knitting needles and scissors. I know I shall never be able to work out what I ever did before I owned such a useful bag!

And look at all the Gold things! I am left in awe (actually I cried!) by Marit's generosity. Mwah! Thanks!
Tomorrow we are off on our holidays to Wales. Harvey was supposed to come with us, but due to his inability to travel longer than 5 mins in the car without throwing up, we decided to let him have a holiday of his own with mum and dad. An hour in the car to them, or 6 hours to Wales....

Already missing his wet nose and constant 'feed me please mum cos I'm starving' look!
Oh and just before I go, here's a cake I made a while ago but forgot to show you.

Bye all and happy holidays. See you when I get back.
Have a lovely holiday ,bet that lovely bag is part of your luggage ,oh the dog will have a whale of a time ,so will your Mum and Dad,and think of the reunion ,gosh lucky Glynis ,what a beautiful cake ...very clever girl ...love Jan xx
Oh crikey! How many time was that gorgeous puppy sick on the way to your mum and dad's? Hope you are having a good holiday! Marit's gifts are fab! Lucy x
i'm not surprised you cried - what lovely gifts! Hope you have a lovely holiday - the cake is gorgeous as always!!
What a lovely bundle of golden goodies from Marit!
Hope you have a fab holiday and I hope Harvey behaves himself for Granny. He looks like butter wouldn't melt ;o)
Such a lovely surprise for you - nice work, Marit!
The only "gold" thing I could think of was my two Golden Comet hens, and nothing could persuade them to climb into the shipping box.
Have a wonderful time, and imagine how grown-up that handsome puppy will be when you collect him again. Possibly also spoiled to bits...but, no...not that perfect gentleman-pup!
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