Cooeee. You there?
I'm toying with the idea of resurrecting the much neglected blog - anyone still interested? I tend to live on Ravelry now, but might dip my toes back into Blogland now and again.
That's all for tonight, but just because I never did like a post without pictures, here's a couple of things I've been up to in the last, um 7 months...
The Beekeepers Quilt - an ongoing project, need about 600ish hexagons for the size I'd like.

I'm here! Glad to see you back, hope you'll keep it up!
I don't do color work, but love to look at photos of your projects.
-from Philadelphia
Still here, Michaela! And I do hope you will feel like blogging again. I've missed the knitting, the cakes, the puppy...the overall stashiness! :)
I cannot believe you are doing that crazy blanket with the itty-bitty pieces. I took one look at it the first time it popped up on Ravelry and ran the other way!
I'm still here! I had been wondering recently what you were up to and now I know - you've been stranded in woolly hexagons.
Hello again, nice to see you're still busy with your needles and creating loveliness with them x
Welcome Back Michaela :) I've missed having a peek into the Stash Basket for sure. Love, love loving those socks! Too cute. Any the hexagons look awesome... and very, very timeconsuming! LOL.
It's nice to see you back in my google reader feed!
I love the way you're arranging your hexagons to make a landscape, it looks fab! And your socks are amazing :)
I'm happy to see your post, I've missed them. I love seeing your knitting, the beautiful cakes, and hearing about your family and the puppy.
I've missed you, too! So good to see you - and your gorgeous socks and patchwork xxx
Lovely to see you back and I love that hexagon knitting'' well done
Chris xx
So lovely to hear from you _ you have been missed! Xxxxx
So happy to see you posting again! =)
Hello, nice to hear from you again! Love the garden landscape in hexapuffs - great idea.
We're here and delighted to see you back Michaela! Love the Monet themed hexypuffs and those socks are just fantastic! You are going to frame them rather than put them in your boots aren't you?!? Locket xx
Yay! Boat socks done.
I am so glad you are back!
I kept popping in, and hoping...
Good to see you back - I Have missed your blogging :0) love the beehive blanket.
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