Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I'm beginning to feel swamped by my WIP's again. I love them all. I want to finish them all. Why can't I just get off this machine and knit them all? I have too many WIP's. A friend of mine who comes to the Stash Basket house once a week to knit has only got 2 WIP's. She is making me feel like I need to get something done. (I keep telling her to get more stuff cast on!)

I was seriously thinking of concentrating hard on one particular project, just so I could get it off the needles. Reduce my 8 WIP's to 7 and then 6 and then 5...

... But then I saw this. 17 WIP's. I no longer feel quite so guilty, just a bit of a light weight (oh if only!) with such a paltry amount of projects hiding in the house!


Jo said...

I'm sure you'll get them finished before long. Well, unless you find something else that just has to be cast on.

pattie in Geneseo said...

I've been trying to finish my WIPs, too trying to get one pair of socks and another bigger project off the needles each month this year. You might calculate that I have too many, too-probably ~40! Good luck!!

Mrs Moog said...

Hee hee - you and Locket are a right pair :o)
