Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Bloggy Diet Raffle

It has all gone very quiet lately regarding weigh-ins. Come on everyone, how are you doing? Let me know if you've slipped through the net and I've not recorded your weight losses in the side bar. Remember the draw will be taking place on New Year's day, so you must have told me by then how you've done.

I lost half a pound this week, which considering the chocolate cakes from the last post, is somewhat miraculous! Here's hoping for better news next week!


Quinn said...

I've lost only one additional pound, despite Effort in the past four weeks. I was just commenting (possibly whining) about this to a friend yesterday, then realized that without the effort, I'd probably have gained a few. So, not exactly a success story, but at least I'm holding steady.

dottycookie said...

I weigh on a Thursday morning, though I'm not anticipating much of anything - Christmas baking has begun in earnest!

Mary deB said...

Thursday for me, too. If I can be good today, I might just have some news for you, and I hope I do, because I've got 3 parties in the next 4 days....

Mary deB said...

Yes! One pound down for this week! Now, just get through the next few days, which include a cookie exchange and two dinner parties....

Rachel said...

Errr, no comment!
R x

Mama said...

Don't know when I last checked in but I am down 8lbs since Nov 24th.