Anyway, hopefully by the time I get back, it will have sorted itself out.
'Get Back?' you ask? Why yes, tomorrow at some ridiculous early hour of the morning, we are going to Portugal. So we'll see you in a little over a week. Take care all.
Ah well, what do you know - blogger has sorted itself out in a matter of a few hours! Good old blogger eh?
First photo is what I bought at the Colinette shop. I said that I'd never do it again, but I got dragged into the hypnotic effect that is The Colinette Yarn Shop. If you've ever been you'll know just what I mean. Large room filled with hand-knits, gorgeous colours, some very beautiful yarn (and some not so beautiful - why on earth are they still selling Firecracker?) and there's even a bargain section - which although very big never has quite the same pulling power for me!

Next picture is a completed pair of socks. Yes ladies, I have done it. A whole pair of socks - Monkeys in Posh Emily. I know you don't really like them Mrs Trash, but honestly, try making a pair and I'm sure you'll be converted. They seem to be magic socks - knit up far quicker than any other sock I've ever made. I have loved these so much and know for sure that more will be on the needles one day.

I used Posh Yarn Daisy for these - there is enough left to make 2 more pairs I think - an absolute bargain! Especially since mum said she wants a pair too and I could do with some as well.
I've bought a couple of very interesting knitting books lately - both of which are jam packed full of things I have to knit. Mad and crazy socks from Blue Moon and beautiful sweaters and cardigans from Veronik Avery.
There is just too much knitting to be done without the bother and interference of cooking, cleaning, refereeing children, going to work and sleeping. Anybody know a good way to avoid all of these things? I'm taking a second sock with me to Portugal too - Ensnared - not a very nice sock to knit, so I'm hoping that by taking just one thing, I won't get tempted to start something else. The bets are now on. Will I finish this sock by the time I get home?
Tell you what, let's have a little competition. How much of this sock will I get done? I am 5 rounds into it so far - it's all done in knitting in the back of the stitch ribbing and is a very slow knit. Nearest guess gets a pressie. Don't know what, but I'll find you something. (Please somebody be optimistic and say it will be done to the very end of the toes!)
See you in 8 days.