I can now breathe a deep sigh of relief. It is done. Ishbel is all finished, off the needles and will never again get back on my needles. Hated knitting it, as you know, but at least now lace, mohair and shawls are all right out of my system. Back to socks and blankets thank-you very much.

But saying all that, it does look quite pretty now that it's done - I don't really like the very hard blocking and felt this soft fly-away yarn would benefit from something much more gentle. It has nothing at all to do with impatience or laziness!
We went over to
Burghley House yesterday - met mum and dad for a coffee and cake in the Orangery and then played in the grounds. I am sure my eldest was born with springs in his legs, otherwise how on earth could he get that high up?

This building was used in Pride and Prejudice (the one with Keira Knightley) as Rosings Park, the ultra stuck-up residence of Lady Catherine de Bourgh. I think one of her direct descendants now works in the coffee shop - one of the ladies serving was so rude, I even complained. Something I very rarely do (unless it's about pain-in-the-bum lace knitting patterns).
Both children are out with friends at the moment, Mr Stressy returns from London at about 3am so I am Home Alone. Yippee! Going to do some knitting. See you soon.
Ishbel is lovely! You will not regret knitting it when you can wrap it around your neck on a chilly morning...
That son of yours must be partly cat...my Mr.Black jumps up on my shoulders just like that!
What kind of socks are you planning on? anything fun? I need a pair on my needles...should have started a sweater, but not today;-)
Ishbel is truly lovely ,you might get to like it now ,I do admire you for finishing it when you disliked knitting it so much ,I love Burghly and have often been there ..love Jan xx
It would be worse if you hated every moment of knitting it and didn't like the finished product either! That is very, very pretty.
Well you already know my view on Ishbel so all I shall say for now is HOW ON EARTH DID HE JUMP SO HIGH????
Locket xx
its just beautiful - i love it! I think your son has obviously been eating too many beans!!!
Oh well done!! Ishbel defeated me at my first attempt so I feel your pain. Your finished Ishbel is gorgeous - it looks so soft and floaty.
Love that photo - boys are soooo bouncy! Who needs a trampoline, huh?
Ooooh, it's lovely. Really lovely!
Now, tell the truth - did he land that jump or did they end up in a heap? Either way the leaping is terrifically impressive!
I didn't like Keira Knightly's P%P at all, except perhaps Donald Sutherland as the dad. But #1 son went to Burghley House with school when we lived in Cambridge, and liked those few days a lot! So, it all evens out.
And the shawl... colours are marvellous!
Your Ishbel is lovely :)
I understand about the sock-knitting, though. No matter what else I knit (or try to knit) I always come back to socks!
But it does look ever so lovely...
I LOVE Burghley House. Its just down the road form the Lovely's parents and whenever I see it it makes me smile :)
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