Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Return of Saturday Pudding

It's been away for a very long time, but I promise to try harder in future. Here we have Toblerone and White Chocolate Cheesecake. It's one of those adapted recipes using 2 different recipes and not really following either. If you get what I mean! Which is a shame really because it was very tasty indeed and I have no idea how I made it!

It was mum's birthday cake - here she is with the candles lit. This is a very bad photo of her and I know she won't be happy that I'm showing it to you. Sorry mum!

And on the knitting front, while I'm awaiting the imminent arrival of the first 'mystery blanket' package, I thought I'd cast on something new. Wonder why I didn't just finish something already on the needles (startitis again). This is the Winter Cottage Mitten kit from Posh Yarn. And true to form, I love it. I am aiming for World Domination of Posh, it's mighty fine stuff!

So anyway, did you all have a good Christmas? (me - yes) Have you braved the sales yet? (me - not yet but apparently Monday is our day) Did you eat or drink too much? (me - of course) Have you started a diet yet? (me - no, pass me another chocolate orange) Did you get any nice yarn or fabric? (me - no, family all think I have way too much anyway) Have you already made a mental promise to yourself to be more organised next year? (me - yes, it's top of my New Year Resolutions...)


wonderwoman said...

your mum looks lovely! and the cake - yummm! i think i'm all cooked out at the moment! i did go to the sales with Em yesterday and sort of wandered into John Lewis where they are having a wool sale!! was very well behaved and just bought 1 pack of little big wool!!!


Locket Pocket said...

Hmmmm! That startitis is going to get you in trouble one day! But I can't believe you didn't get ANY WOOL for Christmas at all!!!!! What a disaster! I got fabric and sewing and knitting books and I'm longing to spend some time looking at and stroking them!

Lucy x

Ally Jay said...

Sounds like my house all over again.

trash said...

I went to the beach ;-)

Gina said...

That pudding looks divine! Happy New Year Michaela.

Mama said...

Happy Birthday Mum! (there's a packet of fish winging their way over!)

And Happy New Year to all the Basket dwellers :)

WMK and the Ts

Mrs Moog said...

Mmmm - gorgeous pudding...have just drooled all over the keyboard!

I didn't get one bit of wool or fabric for Christmas. I did get three new sewing books....but only 'cos I ordered and paid for them!!


Anonymous said...

can you email me:, i have some question wanna ask you.thanks

Anonymous said...

The best bit about your lovely pudding is knowing someone else has my lovely Christmas plates. Aren't they cue!