Thursday, February 18, 2010

Bit more progress...

I have now returned from a short visit to mum and dads. It has been a lovely couple of days break - despite constant arguing from the children. The weather has been foul and I am now even more sick and tired of the cold, damp, fog and miserable skies. I am longing for spring in a way that I never longed for it before. This has been a very long winter.

But no matter, there is nothing I can do about it except wait. And knit. And boy oh boy have I been knitting! I have managed to do a bit more of Carica - about 5" in total, so there's another thing to tick off the list (remember I said I needed to knit a bit more of Carica, but not finish it - I think that 5" more than covers 'a bit more', don't you?)

But here's the exciting part. Ladies and gentlemen of the Bloggy World, may I present to you a pair of Fishy Socks.

Oh how I love my fishy socks!

The list is drawing to its finish and a good job too as there is less than a fortnight left of this month. Feeling quite smug about the amount finished so far.

Surely you're starting to get a little bit worried by now aren't you Locket?


marit said...

I LOVE your fish socks!!! They are too cute!

You are doing very well on that list too!
Have a great weekend. All the kids will be home next week, it's winter holidays...

RooKnits said...

Love the fishy socks. Fabulous

wonderwoman said...

those socks are brilliant!!! I don't blame you for feeling smug with all you've achieved!!!


Quinn said...

The fishy socks are gorgeous! I love the soles (the "soles" - get it? heh)as much as the actual fishes - both are brilliant!

dottycookie said...

Fab socks. I am so rubbish at knitting in more than one colour, but I'll take great pleasure in looking at yours!

Sarah Knits said...

Fantastic progress! Doesn't it make you feel happy to see a pile of finished projects and of course you can now cast on a whole lot more guilt free!

Locket Pocket said...

5 inches? Pah! That's not "a bit more" that's only a little bit more!!!

Am I beginning to sound worried??? I think so!

Locket xx