This cake has been the reason for my absence over the last week. Phew, it has taken ages - not just in the icing, but also the research! It's the West Ham football team - when I Googled it, 40 something players came up as being in the first team. So then I had to narrow it down to 11. Then I had to find out hairstyles and skin colour... the list goes on.

Anyhows, here is a close up of a few of them. I'm quite pleased with the way it's turned out. The purple of the shirts isn't quite right, but is as close as I could get it. These football themed cakes are a mixed blessing really - I love how they turn out, but they just take so damn long - bed time at 1.30 is just too late for me. I need all the beauty sleep I can get!

Remind me someone what my New Year's Resolution was about not buying any more yarn. I seem to think that I wasn't buying any this year. Hmmm. Well that's gone out of the window! I found this wondrous ball of Camelspin (75% silk, 25% camel... divine!) on someone's destash page on Ravelry. Oh such a dangerous place to go to!

The very nice lady was also selling this Skein Queen in the very pretty, delicate shade (!) of violent pink and bright orange. Love these 2 colours together, so bonkers and insane and clashy. Right up my street! I see something on the
new sock club being made in these very soon!

And on the subject of the new sock club, I found (again on a Ravelry forum!) this Posh Yarn Laura in the most perfect pink. Have you ever knitted with Laura? If not, I urge you to find some. I really think it's my favourite sock yarn in the whole wide world. 80% merino, 20% cashmere. What's not to love? The feel is beautiful, the stitch definition is perfect. Oh yes, I love Laura!

Anyone started on their
Polly Jean socks yet? I cast on yesterday and have now completed the first pattern repeat. What a great pattern! I never thought I could cope with lace charts, but the pattern is so clear and easy to read, it's just a dream to work. If you were undecided about joining us, then decide right now, download the pattern and cast on straight away. You will not be disappointed!
I haven't shown you a Saturday Pudding for a while now. So have this one on me. Chocolate mousse with white chocolate mousse on top. Naturally I enjoyed a fat free yoghurt!

Thank-you all so much for the help and advice and very kind comments on the Golden Wedding Blanket. I have changed my mind so many times, but have now officially decided. There will be another row of flowers and the finished blanket will be 81 squares big - 9x9. I saw one on Ravelry that was 9x11 and it just looked very long and thin, the squareness with the square squares (are you following this?!) appealed to me very much, so 9x9 it will be. I shall keep you updated on its progress, but hopefully it should be done before too long!