So here it is. I'm officially 100 Blog Posts Old today. My husband has just said 'what are you on about?' He doesn't understand about the blog. In fact he doesn't understand very much about me, but happily he now just accepts me and gets on with life! He long since gave up asking questions.
So it appears that I have to organise a Give Away. Why? It's my birthday, you lot should all be sending me presents, not the other way round. Ah well, so be it. Only thing is, I don't know what to give away. My husband springs to mind, but you're all very sane people, you wouldn't want him. Besides, he wouldn't fit in the post box. No, it will have to be something else. Maybe even more than one something else.
Maybe something from the Stash Basket.
Maybe something to eat (bear in mind that the cakes really wouldn't survive in the post...)
Perhaps something to read.
Or something to sew.
Or maybe, just maybe, something of all the above.
Just leave me a comment between now and sometime next week (shall we say Tuesday?) and I'll put your name in the hat.
Oh by the way, I'm glad you all liked yesterday's chocolate cake. Despite calling me to arrange for collection, the recipient forgot to come and pick it up. So it's still in the kitchen. Waiting. Sad and lonely. Might go and have a slice now. Mrs Forgetful wouldn't mind would she?
Yippee! 100 posts : ) And it seems like just yesterday that you discovered my "secret" blog...
hello Michaela,
belated birthday greetings. Also, congrats on achieving 100 posts. I empathise with your comments about husband
have a good weekend
Enid(in M/C)
Congrats on the Big 100! And thanks for the pic of you knitting in public, but you're so right - I really want to have a snoop around at your place ..... especially if that chocolate cake is sill there!
RGH is JUST the same about my blog .... when he read yesterdays post he couldn't see the point of it because there were no knitted monkeys in it. Men!
I vote for eating the cake and then when she comes to collect it feigning ignorance and saying "oh, that wasn't you yesterday? I wonder who it was that collected the cake then?"
Monkee maker - I'm not sure you really want a nose around Michaelas house, its one of the tidiest and lovliest houses I've ever been in. If your house is less than perfect it might make you feel bad. Not that I'm suggesting your house is less than perfect, I dont even know you! I should shut up now shouldn't I?
Anyway, Michaela - happy 100th and go and eat that cake. xx
PS - no thanks to the husband. One is QUITE enough. x
It's all lies - my house is not tidy. (I just hide it when I know you're coming round Kerrie!) There's knitting everywhere, yarn hiding in just about every cupboard, fabric, ribbons, buttons, in fact anything crafty or cakey all over the place. I am one of the untidiest people I know!
ha ha - now I know that I'm going to spring a surprise visit on you and see. I have my doubts about you being untidy! Hows the cake? x
Happy 100 posts and Happy Birthday (a little late)! By the way, love the bunnies!! They are adorable!
ouch...ooh.....does this sort of message count?
I think we need to taste some of your cake M...!
happy 100th:))
Hello - I'm a lurker on your blog - cakes and knitting what more can a girl ask for :D
congratulations on post 100!
You don't look a day over post 21.
I have been madly stalking your archives looking at those cakes and you owe me a monitor and keyboard my lady...... too much drool isn't good for electrical appliances :o)
Congratulations on 100 posts!
I think Kerrie has the right idea about the cake. I know I'd have tasted it by now.
Knaresborough now theres a place that I know well!
to mark your anniversary I think you should post a photo of yourself wearing your fcs, and your lovely pink and blue socks (and other clothes of course) and eating the chocolate cake! :)
eat the cake, the cake!!!
congrats on 100!!
how on earth have you resisted that cake?????
happy 100th - just had mine too - but sadly no cake here!
tracy x
I love, love, love reading your blog - you make me laugh out loud!!!
Happy 100 posts!!!!
'Anonymous' come back! How can I enter you into the grand giveaway if I don't know who you are? And where are you from? Not the long lost lurker from South America are you? That person disappeared ages ago. Did I upset them?
Just discovered your blog from the Monkee Maker. Knitting + cakes = fantastic blog. Happy 100th birthday!
P.S. Please don't enter me in the giveaway: I live in Canada and the postage would be aweful.
Please feel free to use my name as a sub for "anonymous". Honestly, I wouldn't mind the additional opportunity to win your fab, super terrific 100th-post prize.
Oh, and you can also put my name in for the gal in Canada; I'm just that nice. (Really, it's ttrue - Monkey Maker said so!)
ps: and an airline ticket to visit my favorite English baker would be a really, really good prize. Though socks would be good too...
Hi Michaela,
I just found you through Monkee Maker. I think I've put on a few pounds just reading your blog! Congratulations on your 100 posts!
this is my first visit here , i would normally lurk for a while but as its your 100th post it would be rude of me not to say hello and congratulations :0)
Sara x
Happy 100th post, your cakes are gorgeous, how could someone forget to collect one!!
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