As part of the boys' football club, we went on a tour of Old Trafford - Manchester United's home ground (note to Monkee Maker - Man U are the Red Devils, Arsenal, several hundred miles away, are the Gunners. Apparently!). Vera of course came on the trip, much to my children's embarrassment. She had a good time and is looking forward to becoming the first primate to play for the team.
This was her going down the tunnel onto the pitch. Come on boys, where's that ball? I need to show you how it's done!
Now this big cup had a glass cabinet all to itself - someone enlighten me, what's it for? All I could think of was how long the blessed thing would take to polish. We all had a good time at Old Trafford, but 9 hours in the bus for a 3 hour visit was a little excessive. Imagine the horror of it all - a bus full of football crazy children all bored... the noise levels were quite high!
Returning momentarily to Oliver, I think we might end up being ok for squares - Kay over at Mason Dixon posted about it and the number of people viewing this blog have increased by about 10 times. Hello America! Nice of you to drop in. Get knitting please - and send any squares asap so I can at least have one blanket made by Christmas. Address is over in the side bar at the top.
The clocks have gone back today - am I the only person who really hates this? Why can't they just stay the same? It takes me ages to get my body clock re-adjusted, which is why I'm writing about football and monkeys at 5.15 on a Sunday morning.
Dear Kay....erm...sorry, thought I was over at Mason-Dixon for a minute! MASON-DIXON!!!Wowee!! Have you ever read their blog? Seen the comments on there? Amazing, you'll be making blankets for years now! The day out at Old Trafford looked like a day full of...boys! Hmmm, glad Vera enjoyed it. As for the clocks changing, I was only saying last night how much it annoys me, I really don't mind this one cause we get and hour longer in bed but the one in Spring does me in every time, it is rediculous! Happy Knitting...I will get my squares to you, eventually!
I absolutely HATE the clocks changing too although I took good advantage of the extra hour in bed - probably because I was up til after 12 sewing and blogging (I'm normally an early to bed kinda girl!) I can't believe that it is only 4.40 and it is already getting dark - and it's lighter for longer in the north isn't it? Looks like Vera had fun! Lucy x
Hi, I've sent some squares last week and hope they will arrvie soon. Could have made more, as I have plenty of sockwool-leftovers -
but unfortunately not so much time to knit them..
I must say I really love setting back the clock..another hour to sleep or what ever you want to do, that is just great. I caught up on sleep. But afcause loosing it in spring is not so fun..
Fab fab FAB!! I loved seeing your snaps of Vera at Old Trafford! So what, you didn't shout "Up the Gunners!" at the top of your voice?? Shame!
And ahem. About those squares. I have done another one .... without the aid of a ruler - oops, it may be a tad too big .... and I'm determined to get more to you soon.
And talking of the clocks going back, it feels like it's about half nine now, not half six :(
I was up at 6.15 this morning too thanks to the clocks!
You are not alone
Can I confess. I actually like when the clocks go back. An extra hour in bed can't be a bad thing. And then I spend the day going - ah but it's only x oclock. I also like snuggly winter evenings. More time to knit
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