Ladies and gentlemen - we have a front! I am so very excited. At this rate I'll have it done by next year - a first for me! Or shall I really stick my neck out and say I'll wear it on Christmas Day? Again it's blurred, but I say again, my photographic skills are rubbish.
I wish you could all feel how soft this is. It's knitted up more like a fabric than a piece of knitting, if you know what I mean.
Did I mention the bag-packing? If any of you are ever unlucky enough to be asked to do this in the name of fund-raising, run a mile. At least. And if ever any of you go into a supermarket where some poor souls are doing this particular 'job' be nice - offer them a sweet or piece of chocolate. Two and a half hours standing in the same place with not so much as thank-you from many. Admittedly, it raised lots of money, but blimey it was horrible!
Oooooh, she's so purty!! It reminds me of some ancient Roman mosaic, I like the way the colours are working together.
Oh my, that is gorgeous! The colours look amazing, what a fab job. So is that one front and 2 sleeves in? You're about half way there! Christmas is totally doable I think, don't you?
Thats is absolutely gorgeous, what patience you have.
Ooohhh! Tipsy is so beautiful! And yes! you must have it for Christmas day!
ps: send the boys here - we'd love to have 'em : )
Tipsy is so pretty, Christmas day would be a lovely day to wear it! As for standing packing, rather you than me, you did well!
Wow - you are doing a fabulous job on that.
I understand about the job bit as I only have the patience to deal with my own kids and sometimes the niece and nephews. Other peoples kids makeme want to run!
I'm still laughing from the 'tosser' statement in the previous post :-) Your Tipsy is looking great.
I used to work in Cambridge! Not sure if I've mentioned that before, or if I've even commented here for that matter - I've been lurking for a week or so now ;-)
Looking at the picture below I'm trying to figure out if that is a wombat made of knit down off to the right hand side of the stashbasket. Coz you have got to love the idea of a wombat made of knit!
the tipsey is wonderful - amazing knitting Michaela!
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