It's from my new Best Cook Book (the Abel and Cole one). If you haven't bought this book yet, then do so right this very minute. It is worth it for this very pudding alone.
Rhubarb Bread and Butter Pudding

Underneath the crispy bread lies a creamy, gooey, rhubarby delight. Absolutely, 100% delicious.

How's everyone elses diets going? (That sounds very bad grammar). One of our number has a very big announcement to make to us all... step forward Kathryn (that's the lovely lady married to the equally lovely Warren with the even lovelier little daughter) it's time to take centre stage...
This baffled reader from the U.S. must ask: What is quark?
--Elizabeth D
Yeees, the diet. Not good this week. No loss to report I'm afraid!
Intrigued by the possibility of an announcement though ...
I thought quark was some kind of energy unit...if it's possible to buy energy, I need to know WHERE! Feeling slug-like, me. my delight (and, okay, surprise) I have lost three pounds since last week. Two more and I can nudge down to the next marker on the bathroom scales. Why do those ten-pound lines seem SO much more important than the other nine?
Enjoyed your Portugal photos, Michaela - I love Portugal, but have never been to the Algarve. Looks like the family had a great time. Did you enjoy the desserts/puddings there? YUM!
diet, pudding, Mr Stressy, quark, blah, blah, blah. Need to know news of said Kathryn and Warren and delightful small girl. Aaaaaaargh I know sleep will elude me until I find out.
that pudding looks scrummy - sod the diets!!!
Kathryn? Kathryn... KATHRYN! Where in the world are you?! Good gracious girl, we're all are waiting for your news...
Yeah! I want to know Kathryn's news too!
Diet possibly going better this week than last. Strange that. I've eaten far more this week. What's that all about then?
Locket x
It's Kathryn here! My news? How long do you want me to draw this out? To build the tension?! Warren says I should drag it out for as long as possible...
But I'm not going to! So, a week after the Stashbasket Diet got under way, I found out I was expecting our second bundle of joy. And that has made losing weight rather hard. Especially when hit by cravings for Cheddars, fondant mints and chocolate, though not all together, hasn't got that strange.
So apologies to everyone for avoiding answering how much weight has been lost. The one whole pound is all I have managed, and I suspect I might have put it back on.
The baby is due to arrive in Spring, so if the Stash diet is on again next summer, I'm all for it!
So what do we do then? Should we give Kathryn a ticket for every pound she puts on instead of loses? Or maybe just work out our average weight loss as a group and give her that many tickets? She has, afterall donated some very lovely yarn as a prize. Or do we just hope that her one raffle ticket comes up lucky?
Ideas please.
I knew that I had one chance to win when I sent the wool, and I'm happy with that.
So I say stick with the original rules!
As Kathryn won the Comic Relief blanket and--for those with long memories--already had Bump's Blanket (which Evie sleeps under every night), I don't think there's any reason to favour her this time around.
If you need futher persuasion, we don't have room for an influx of yarn. Actually, we don't have room for another child. Hmm, I wonder if we could raffle Evie :o)
I'm half tempted to take Kathryn's place, but since my cravings include cake, chocolate, chocolate cake, coffee, coffee cake, fruit, fruitcake, toffee, fudge, bread pudding, rice pudding, any pudding...and coffee, I don't think there's much hope for me.
I'd make room for more yarn!!
Not wishing to take sides, I think Kathryn deserves a whole load of tickets and a chance to win a lovely big 'influx' of yarn ;)
She'll need something to keep her occupied during those long nights with a newborn....otherwise she'll just have to wake up hubby!
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