I love it when children use their phonic knowledge to sound words out, when I saw one child yesterday writing Tuesday as
Choosday, I knew that it would never be the same again. Tuesday has been re-christened! I wonder what they're writing today - I'm off poorly as dear old Mr
Stressy has given me his bug (did I tell you he was home ill all last week?). I am not pleased about it, but at least it means time at home on my own, sleeping, knitting watching TV. In fact, come to think about it, I am quite pleased. I have also lost my quite considerable appetite, can't even face chocolate. Which means, as my eldest son told me, that I ought to consider going to hospital. Bless!
Kathryn told me about this book, so I thought that I really couldn't do without it. And you know what? I'm not sure any of you can do without it either. It is one of the best cookery books I've seen, if you like cakes, which of course I do. I want to make everything in it. Expect many Saturday Puddings to have a very
cakey appearance over the next few months!

I really think that first up will have to be raspberry cheesecake brownies, or black bottom cupcakes ('dark chocolate sponge with a dollop of cheesecake baked into it, topped with cream cheese frosting') or maybe rocky road bars made with mars bars, marshmallows and
Ooh, I can feel my appetite returning already!
I had a lovely surprise yesterday from Trashy - a birthday present all wrapped up in very pretty strawberry fabric. The most lovely necklace that everyone in school was very jealous about and some teeny cup cake cases, decorated with even teenier cakes! I am so lucky, thank-you Trashy, you made me feel almost better!

Whilst lying in my sick-bed this morning, I finished off Monkey. I decided to use a different shade for the toe, hoping that I will have enough to do the same on the second sock. It's similar, but different, not too noticeable, but anyway, I'll be wearing shoes! I have weighed the remaining yarn and it seems that I might just scrape by with enough. As much as I love all their sock yarns, I really think that
Posh Yarn's Emily is my favourite to knit with. Lambswool, cashmere and angora - what's not to love?

And just
in case you thought I'd forgotten about Saturday Pudding, here's what we had, not a recipe from my new best book, just ordinary chocolate buns, topped with chocolate fudge icing and Mars Planets. They did not last long!