Saturday, November 29, 2008

Very briefly...

Just to say that I'm drowning under a sea of felted jumpers. I have cut them all into usable sized pieces so will spend tomorrow ironing them and then cutting them again. And then sewing them together. And then appliqueing something onto them. And then ironing them again. All this will have to take place after football, after lunch at mum and dad's, after the drive home in the fog, after I've got the children to bed, after I've decorated a cake...

So maybe we aren't looking at tomorrow after all.

Is the excuse 'Sorry I can't come to work today, I need to make a blanket' good enough to let me have the day (week?) off? I think not, do you have any suggestions?


trash said...

Suggest growing extra arms or sending small children out to mine extra hours from the day.

dottycookie said...

Given the state of the weather today I think it would be best to be under a pile of felted jumpers!

Locket Pocket said...

A sea of felted jumpers sounds very cosy to me!!! I think you should make up little packs of the scraps (recycled christmas tree sized???) and sell them to people like me to raise more money!

Have a good day. Lucy xxx

wonderwoman said...

no stress there then!!!! i think you deserve a day off from work!
maybe have a blanket sewing day with friends - offer them food and alcohol - works for me!!
