Well I'm back. I've been to another country, or so it seems. The locals talk a very funny language. There are very big hills (here in the Fens, a mole hill is considered big). We have had every sort of weather. But we have had a lovely time.
The weather man said we would have rain nearly all week. We arrived in what can only be described as summer. Glorious warm sunshine, blue skies, birds singing. So we went to bed that night convinced the weatherman was wrong.
When we woke up, it was to discover black clouds and gale force winds. So what do normal British people do in such weather? Yes, that's right, we head off to the beach! Here is Mr
Stressy himself and the 2 boys at
Barmouth. I tried hard to push them all in, but they were just too darn big for me!

The waves were great - it looked so cold in there! (I did not try it out!)

Grey skies and sunshine - how insane!

The very next day however was a complete contrast. Summer had returned, so while the boys all went off fishing, I went for a walk, taking my knitting with me of course. The roads in North Wales are just begging to be walked down - or up as I soon discovered! I went through forests, watched buzzards chasing crows, lambs playing in the fields and flowers gleaming in the sun. It was so peaceful - no traffic noise, just birds singing and gentle breeze blowing the trees.

When it's lovely in Wales, it's very, very lovely.

I could have sat here all day knitting and listening to the water.

We travelled home again in the sunshine and as we got nearer to home, it became more and more cloudy. By the time we drew up at our house it was positively cold.
So the weatherman had got it wrong
after all. We spent a few days in Wales getting sunburned and came back to
Cambridgeshire to put the heating on.
And because it wouldn't be right and proper to not give you chocolate pictures, here are some little Easter nests. Hope you all had a good time without me - knitting news tomorrow, and there is actually a finished project to show you!!!!!
It looks lovely there - so peaceful and green. Can't wait to see what you did ... you'll have to invent a new ailment called 'finishitis' :-p x
Ah, looks heavenly - as long as you had those green lanes to yourself! We're just back from the seaside too, after a very enjoyable (byt not exactly restful) long weekend.
A day on your own walking in the sunshine and knitting? Sounds like heaven! Lucy x
Looks like heading West was a good plan! Glad you had fun.
Hi we were in North Wales last week at Dolgellau.(near Barmouth) Thursday was miserable but the weekend was beautiful. We cycled along the esturay cycle path in the sunshine. But like you Northamptonshire was not quite as sunny as Wales. Andrea
The old saying is true! Cast ne'er a clout till May be out! That stream looks lovely. I really love Wales. All that good geography ;)
It looks lovely! Glad you could get some "alone-time" too- I always miss that. Beautiful landscape.
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