Meanwhile, one of the stripey blankets has returned home ready for me to knit a border onto. It's very cosy indeed and is a dream to do the border. So warm. So snuggly. Sadly it's so lovely I just fall fast asleep half way through a row! This may take some time!
I feel that the lady who knitted the brown, yellow and lime stripes is a touch colour blind. She is a very elderly friend of my mum's. Mum had suggested taking those colours out, but they just make me smile. They clash so badly they almost 'go'!! Almost.
The second stripey blanket is still doing the rounds. If it comes to you and you think it's getting too long, please stop and send it back to me (it seems that some balls of yarn have twice as much yarn in than others). I'll start another one going and send it to the next person on the list. Ah yes, that brings me to another problem. The list. What have you done with it Trashy? Shall I make a new one?
And finally, the squares blanket is ready to be sewn up now, so if you have any outstanding 4" squares, please let me have them. I'll be sewing squares up in my spare time! Thanks to Sara whose squares arrived yesterday - they are all gorgeous and as to the small one, no way will I throw it away - it's very stretchy!
Are you impugning my organisational skills there Madam? I shall have you know that list is in a very safe place. Very safe!
Btw, you may want to let Wonderwoman know where to send it next while I keep looking!
I think the bright stripes add a certain something! (And it looks very warm too!)
the list is in such a safe place no one can find it!!!!
hopefully someone will find it soon and let me know!
Ah yes, squares - sorry they didn't make the Swedish Fish journey. Promise to post them Monday!
ps: I quite like the quirkiness of that blankie's color combo!
Kathryn felted a jumper today! It felted really nicely at only 30 degrees C.
Luckily, none of Evie's other jumpers--which were in the same load, all of which Kathryn's mother knitted in the past month or so--felted.
Oh well, she'd had a good three or fours wears out of it!
So, a word to the wise: when the band on Jaeger Matchmaker yarn reads "40 degrees. Wool Cycle. Minimum machine action", heed the "Minimum machine action" bit.
I like the bright stripes too - it makes it a bit quirky and interesting :)
Hi Michaela, Just to let you know that the second blanket has arrived with me so while Trashy is looking for the list in her very safe place you might want to let me know who the next person on the list is after me... or send me a new list. The blanket doesn't look too big yet so I'll keep knitting.
Gina x
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