I treated myself to Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix the other day (it was on offer in Sainsbury's). I hadn't seen it at the cinema and had been eagerly awaiting its release. Well I wasn't disappointed. I love everything Harry Potterish and am pretty much word perfect on all the films. That's what comes of staying in the kitchen for hours on end decorating cakes. (Incidentally, I often listen to them but don't watch them all that often!)
Anyway all I can say is that Allison Hansel has now got ample opportunity to make Charmed Knits II. There is so much in the way of hand-knits in the film that I got all inspired just watching it. That grey jumper with the stripes on that Hermione wears is gorgeous, and all those scarves and other jumpers too... but look what's on Hary's bed... I know it's a rubbish photo, but you can just make it out.
Harry has got a blanket made of knitted squares. Blankets made of knit are now obviously very cool. The whole world must want one. Now how long will it take to knit one? Ooh ages and ages. Unless of course you happen to enter the raffle for Oliver's blanket and win it! It's only £1 a ticket (go here to Paypal to Oliver's Fund) We still need more squares for blanket number 2, so please continue knitting 4" squares. Please! I'm asking nicely here!
As to the Friends Reunited man, good idea Marianne, I did google him. All I can find is that in 2003 he left his job as a Leisure Centre manager as he was called up as an Army Reservist. I've e-mailed the leisure centre but have yet to hear from them. I really want to know if he still has his moustache and bushy 1980's hair!
Oh, friends reunited, enticing, but beware, I've had my fingers burnt, and think you need to be very cautious....hope you are stronger and more sensible than me....I THOUGHT I was VERY grown up, now I know I'm not! Take care!
Just donnated £5 to Oliver's fund so please put my name in the hat for the blanket. I have been meaning to make you some squares *rolls eyes* but the road to hell is paved with good intentions and no squares so far *sigh* Is the deadline still the end of November? How many stitches do i cast on for a 4ply 4" square? You'd think i'd know that, wouldn't you? I'd think i'd know that too! But I don't. *sigh again* No hope for me, I'm afraid *rolls eyes* (PS edited for spelling *sigh again again*)
ohh my, you are so clever, that cake is gorgeous...I love it.
How wonderful that we can all enjoy your fabulous creations!
You recently helped me out with an emergency cake idea, I remembered the cake with the choc balls all over it and borrowed your idea for my sons cake, hope you don't mind, yours looked 100% better than mine though..lol.
Hi Michaela,
Could you please put your email address in the sidebar under the address to mail the squares? It is hard for people to send you an email to enter the raffle....
Thanks, Kay
I just donated 20 GBP (Sorry, I'm in the US and don't have a GBP symbol handy in this format.) to Oliver's Fund through PayPal at Emma's blog. I don't think I'll be able to do any squares this month, but if you'll be accepting them into December, please post that and I'll give it a go.
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