Wednesday, May 2, 2007

I must be poorly...

I never thought I'd say this, but I am beginning to get fed up of chocolate cake. I know, strange as it seems, I just want a packet of salt and vinegar crisps or an HP sauce sandwich. I have overdosed on the sweet stuff today and will no doubt have the head ache to prove it tomorrow. As well as the added pounds. But let's not mention those eh? I don't even feel like eating any of the left-over chocolates. I am obviously ill.
Anyway, this is David's birthday cake. Today is his birthday and he has been away in London all week. Back tomorrow, so it's cake and cards a day late.
Thanks for the film recommendations - have put lots of those on the Amazon list. Looking forward to seeing the George Clooney one. Mmmm.
Any clever computer people out there care to tell me why I can't get double spaces between paragraphs on this blog. Explain in simple terms please.


sharon said...

Hurray, someone who has as much trouble as me.
The only way I get double spacing in my blog is by accident. I don't know how it happens.
You can also get it by 'bullets'(the dots and numbers before lists and stuff.
I heaer you about the sick of chocolate thing. I think it's just an overdose.

picperfic said...

blogger has a mind of its own and line spacing is a bit hit and miss! Try typing your entry in word or notepad first and see if that helps? As for mulit photos, well, I just upload them all first and then add the text in between them bacause if you try to do it photo, text, photo, text etc it just doesn't do it, it only puts the next photo at the top!! GGrrrrr...upload them in the order in which you want them to be seen on the blog. It takes a while to get used to bloggers peculiarities I have to admit. My favourite line in 'Oh Brother Where Art Thou' is:- "they loved him up and turned him into a horny toad"....hope you like the film, it might need your full concentration to follow the plot though, I enjoyed it furst time but the second time it was amazing and made total sense! I think Barry and I are due another viewing soon!

Mama said...

Can't address the bogger questions because I'm sitting here trying to decide... would I rather a fantastically beautiful "customer" cake or a wonderfully fun/indulgent "family" cake? Decisions, decisions...
Best to try at least one of each I should think!

Anonymous said...

kindly go and wash your mouth out, sick of chocolate cake? Who are you and what have you done with our Michaela?