Sunday, May 20, 2007


OK people. It appears that I have been tagged for something called a meme and I now have to tag 7 others. I don't even know 7 people who blog so am opening this up to all of you. Are you willing to be tagged? Volunteer or be volunteered! Get me out of this mess and I'll offer a pressie from the stash basket for one of the lucky 7 to offer! I'm sure I'm breaking some rules here, but tough Dee, needs must!
Will try and do the meme thingy tomorrow....


Emily said...

I happened upon your blog via Posh Yarn and have to say that I think you should send this meme across the pond: we at Sepia Salax would love to answer it. :)

Mama said...

Okay - I am THAT good of a friend - send the meme.

ps: I would volunteer to be tagged for all of your memes if I were to have a rrreeeaaalllyyy nice pair of gloves. Just saying.