Thursday, May 31, 2007

Young Love

Sorry didn't get chance to post yesterday. I went to my mum's and when I returned, the evening was all about settling a little bunny into her new home. May I introduce Blossom to you all. (Visit Julie for more exciting bunnies - all of whom sold out in about 30 seconds - make more Julie, make more!) Alfie is of course smitten and Blossom looks quite pleased with the match too. I am hoping for the patter of tiny feet before long.
Alfie has spent the last few days, since hearing of the impending arrival of a girlfriend, tidying out the stash basket. He has rearranged it several times trying to find his favourite yarns for Blossom to sit on. Today I think I'll leave the two sweet hearts to themselves - I'm off out for the day (it's only 7.30 am). The boys are playing football so I have relative freedom until pick-up time. Hmm, where to go and what to do.... (will tell you what I decided later on)


Anonymous said...

They're both adorable!

Mama said...

Adorable yes...but do you think it wise to leave the two love bunnies unchaperoned? Julie's shop may be re-stocked sooner than she thought!

picperfic said...

aren't they the cutest?? I am knitting a Debbie Bliss tiny teddy for Imogen right now and am about to start on her dress! Hope you had a good day out?